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We warned you #Expose2020

Tokens_Worth - 233 Views
Published on 02 Jun 2020 / In

Bernie Sanders 2020 Campaign Staffers EXPOSED advocating radical violence and Republican "Re-Education" gulags.

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Timothy Smith
Timothy Smith 4 years ago

So let's say they worked with the NY and CA governors and got their "Free land." They all choose beach houses in CA and skyscrapers in NY. Damn, they say, "We are now living how billionaires lived. It's all free except that their are environmental occurrences that cause leaks, bust plumbing, maybe breaks windows, needs maintenance so what are you going to do? Call a plumber or roofer to fix your house for free? Guarantee this will not happen. Then former billionaires hired mercenaries and body builders decide they want beach front property and NYC skyline condos so they come to your door and say, "Get the F**k out." Maybe many of them are patriots and just shoot you. What are you going to do? You're going to be homeless asking Bernie Sanders what to do because stronger people just came to you and threw you out of your house. You socialists are so damn stupid. You do not even know history on where it has been tried. The USA loved Reagan and he UK loved Thatcher because they brought their citizens out of the democrat and socialist lies and destrruction. Oh yeah, where are you going to get your food? 40 million died of starvation in Tao's China, the current Chinese government hates your freedom too, millions died in the Ukraine because productive Russian farmers had no incentive to work hard, and the USSR had to create a master slave relationship to get people to work. I guess common core did not teach you that. Probably is full of so many lies your pathetic public education has you believing all sorts of lies such as there is a utopia on earth as created by evil, communist, and religious politicians.

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